Some photos in and around  
                    Lake Bistineau                                                               

                 Joe and Joyce Hinton 

               (click on any photo to enlarge)

Looking at our backdoor..

                       house2.JPG (51322 bytes)

Looking from our back door just past sunset..

                        lake at night.JPG (17397 bytes)

Stately Cypress Trees are abundant throughout the lake..

                       cypris.jpg (44826 bytes)

With colder temps come the White Pelicans, accompanied by the the many other lake feeders.
           Mvc-017s.jpg (42894 bytes)                 Mvc-019s.jpg (36546 bytes)

Alf..our guard dog...  weighs about 10 lbs but thinks he's a 200 lb. pit bull..

                       alf.jpg (30219 bytes)

Tarantulas..when we first moved here in '82, large tarantulas were common,  especially in the fall, when they could be seen crossing roads and open areas in numbers. Their population has declined significantly since, and very few are seen now.  I captured this giant one peaking in one of our first floor windows in the fall of '99..

                        spider1.JPG (25030 bytes)

  Joyce's Stained Glass Studio, 
Joyce, doing one of the things she likes most, making Church windows.. 

                        joycestudio.JPG (28168 bytes)

Although Cottonheads  and Copperheads are the most common of the poisonous snakes found around the lake, there are a few Rattlesnakes also:  Here I am in 1970, with a 6 foot 4 inch rattler killed near here.

                         snake.jpg (85729 bytes)


The lake level is periodically lowered, exposing decaying aquatic vegetation commonly referred to as "muck". Mixing this muck with garden compost makes for some interesting...uh..
corn?..garlic?..I just call it "Cajun corn", and

                          garlic.jpg (49844 bytes)

...makes some other mighty fine veggies too,

                            veggies.jpg (31001 bytes)
 Hang on Snoopy, Snoopy hang on...

                             buttbeans.JPG (31972 bytes)

This is the fish that got me in the doghouse..see1995 for story

                           joyce2a.jpg (27677 bytes)

Milk Bottle used as time capsule. Ref. years 1935/1970

                            lunsford bottle.JPG (28128 bytes)

Lunch sack found in Milk bottle, by Raymond O.Parker. See 1935/1970

                 Sack.JPG (21657 bytes)     Rop.jpg (22130 bytes)

Old Percussion Pistol. I was told when I acquired it that it was from ca.1850s

                           Gun.jpg (38096 bytes)

 Click on Ray Shaw and his 1929 Model A Ford.
(See story at 1929 History Page 2)

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1957 Cushman Eagle owned by Jim Howard
(See story at 1952 History page 2)

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